Our little baby Taylor is 2 months old. She is such a sweetheart and we all love her so much! She now smiles and coos if you talk to her...it melts our hearts! Her little voice is precious! She is very mellow and really only cries if she's hungry or tired...or mad about being in her car seat! She likes to be held, but is also very willing to sit in her bouncy chair or swing so mommy can get some things done. Aubrey is a big help to keep her sister entertained. She sings and dances for Taylor, which amazingly gets Taylor's attention...it's pretty funny. Aubrey is also skilled at popping the pacifier in Taylor's mouth. Taylor definitely likes her pacifiers. And although I thought I was against using pacifiers (rarely used them with Aubrey), I've come to realize that those little things buy me alot of time! Maybe I should have let Aubrey use them more when she was a baby! Anyway, Taylor is doing so great. At her 2 month doctor's appointment she weighed 10lb 5oz (30%) and was 23 inches long (70%). She's on the long side, exactly like Aubrey was, but a little bit lighter. She has mild eczema on her face and a little on her arms. Supposedly it's itchy, but you wouldn't be able to tell anything was bothering her. We are on a moisturizing routine that will hopefully soothe her skin until the condition disappears...which could be awhile. But that's the worst of it. She's still a beautiful little girl and we love our little Taylor!

Oh little Taylor! What a little blessing. Love her face!
I read your entire blog. Loved it all. Next holiday season we should go with the kids and the husbands to Irvine Park for the Halloween Train and/or Christmas Train or whatever else is out there. I think we would all enjoy each others company.
Hey, I've got to see the baby soon. She will be off to college before I know it.
Love, The Sister.
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