Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Little Soccer Girl

Yesterday Aubrey started her first soccer class! Although this was definitely not her first time kicking a soccer ball or even doing soccer drills (thanks to Mitchell), it was the first time taking instruction from a coach. It's no AYSO and they probably won't be playing an actual game, but she's learning the fundamentals of handling the ball and I thought she did a super job! I was the geeky mom with the picture camera, video camera, and baby Taylor in my arms analyzing my daughter's every move in hopes she'd be the star student...which she was in my opinion!

So yay for Aubrey! She seemed to really like the class and she loves any opportunity to make new friends! We'll see if this is something she wants to pursue. She looked so darn cute with those soccer cleats on!

1 comment:

Holly Belle Cloward said...

Too too cute! Aubrey is going to be a athletic superstar! Bet her daddy loves that!