The Rules:
1. Post 10 honest things about yourself along with the award picture.
2. Pass this award onto 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.
3. Have fun!
Okay, so here is my "Honest Scrap"...
1. I don't like to cook. Never have and probably never will. My mom didn't teach me and I've never had the desire. My husband is always giving me crap for this. I feel bad, I honestly do, but he cooks WAY better than me and he's so picky I feel like my creations will be frowned upon! Okay, they are frowned upon.
2. I am a procrastinator. Not with everything, but I definitely procrastinate. I wait til the last minute to do stuff. Go to the bank, pay rent, make dinner (for reasons listed above), and go grocery shopping. No good reason why, but I do this all the time.
3. I love being a mommy! I always knew I wanted to be a mommy from when I was a very little girl. I was always playing house with my baby dolls. And now I am the mother of 2 beautiful little girls. My Aubrey (4.5 years old) and Taylor (7 weeks old) are so amazing. They bring me so much joy and I love watching them grow. Children are truly gifts from God and I feel more than blessed to have the privilege to have them.
4. I love my husband. We have been through so much and have had so much fun together in the 10 years we've been together...and finally married this last June! He is my best friend and he's taught me so much about myself. I thank God for him coming into my life and I look forward to the rest of our lives together.
5. I like to self diagnose before going to the doctor. I Google the symptoms and try figure out what it is. Sometimes this avoids a trip to the doctor.
6. I believe childhood vaccinations need to be slowed down. It's too much too soon. I'm not anti-vaccinations, I'm anti-scheduling of them. I've read alot and researched alot and I'm not comfortable with vaccinating my children the way the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends. I don't force my opinions on others, but I always encourage parents to research anything concerning their kids...especially vaccinations. Okay, enough said about that.
7. I love photographing my kids, but I'm not that great at it. I would love to take a photography class and get one of those awesome SLR or SRL, I forget. I think I will make that a goal of mine for 2009...improve my photography skills!
8. I love my parents with all my heart. They are always there for me no matter what. They embrace the good, the bad, and the ugly! My mom is one of my best friends. My dad is one of the kindest men I've ever known. He would give me the world if I needed joke. I can't imagine my life without them and I can break out in tears at the thought of them not being here.
9. I try to be environmentally friendly, but I only own 1 reusable grocery bag and forget it almost every time I go shopping. I should recycle, but I don't want another garbage can in the house. This is something I need to work on.
10. I am not a big fan of talking on the phone unless it's my mom, my sister, or my husband. I prefer texting or sending an email so I can put my thoughts together...and lately I just plain don't have time to pick up the phone because Taylor or Aubrey has me caught up in something. :)
I LOVE reading your blog too!!
I also HATE to cook. My hubby gives me a hard time about it too. :)
I also love to google things before going to the doctor. Actually, i google almost everything i need to know about it.
Thanks for doing the TAG. It was super fun to read your 10 things.
I now admitting that I am a closeted reader of your blog. So much so that just today I have started my own...yay! Don't worry about the cooking thing, you know I will cook for you any day. You also know how to make a FABULOUS roast!
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