Yep! We found out yesterday that we're expecting another little girl! Mitchell was convinced that I was pregnant with a boy all this time so he made sure the ultrasound technician was sure about her findings. She was quite sure and I saw what she was looking at and it didn't have any boy parts attached. :) We are very happy that she is doing well and growing on schedule...although they pushed my due date forward a few days to November 16th. Aubrey and I immediately went and bought her sister-to-be a few little tiny things. She seems to love the idea of becoming a big sister and we're going to do all we can to make sure she knows how important she is in all of this. We won't be revealing our baby girl's name until she is born...just one thing we decided to keep a surprise! The pictures are of her head/face. They are kind of skeletal looking since they are of the bone structure...just to help if you can't figure out what you're looking at. :)
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