Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Oh well...

So I haven't been so good at this blogging thing as I was before. It's been 7 months since I was on here...good grief!! Anyway, we got a kitten, Aubrey finished Kindergarten, I had a birthday, summer came and went (it hardly even arrived), Aubrey started 1st grade, Mitchell had a birthday, Halloween just passed, and Aubrey lost her 2nd tooth LAST NIGHT!!

So we got a kitten and we named him F
isher...after Derek Fisher of course! It was a bit of a struggle to transition him into our home, especially because Taylor is really young and was on the rough side with him. Even Aubrey had her fair share of learning to do with the kitty. But we're all good now. He's about 8 months old and he's a great cat! The first pic of Aubrey holding him was when we first got him...he was so teeny. Then the second picture is a recent one...he's getting big, but he's still a baby.

We had a fair amount of pool time during the summer, but it was a rather cool summer so we definitely didn't get tan like we usually do. We made our annual trip to Las Vegas in August to visit friends and family. We had a great time and
it was super hot (just the way I like it!).

I celebrated my 33rd birthday in August. That sounds so old. Aubrey started 1st grade in September and she loves her teacher! She's an excellent reader! And Mitchell celebrated his 33rd birthday in October so at least we can be old together! :)

Halloween was fun! Aubrey was Jessie from Toy Story and Taylor was a furry puppy dog! We went trick or treating with friends and they got more candy than any child could ever ask for.

Last night Aubrey's 2nd tooth came out! We've been waiting forever for this tooth to come loose so we were all happy for her! The tooth fairy visited and left her money and a really nice note. Her tooth fairy is really great! :) And so now we head directly into the rest of the holidays...yay! Hopefully it won't be another 7 months before I post another blog. I'll try to be better about it...try.