Friday, April 24, 2009

I Got My Baby Back, Baby Back, Baby Back...and I'm not talking about Chili's!

Taylor has been a happy baby for as long as she has been in our lives. That was until she got REALLY sick for the first time on Easter Sunday. Our baby girl apparently caught a stomach virus. She threw up, had diarrhea, wanted to sleep all the time, cried whenever she was awake, and was completely miserable. It was the roughest 5 DAYS of my life! I kept taking her to the doctor and they kept sending me away, saying she was fine, just recovering from whatever she had. I was worn out, frustrated, and upset that my baby was suffering and I couldn't seem to fix it. THANK GOD, on the 6th day she woke up cooing and was the same happy baby I had been missing. I could hardly do anything that day except watch her, smile at her, and see her smile back at me! Who knows where she caught her sickness from but we are now even more careful than ever about touching her and hand washing before handling her. I do not want to go through that again anytime soon.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Love My Aubrey

Sometimes I look into Aubrey's big blue eyes and I'm just overtaken with love. She's got these eyes that can break anyone, especially her daddy. :) Even when she's showcasing a major attitude and I'm beside myself, I can't help but want to smile at how smart she is for even knowing what she's doing! She is growing up so fast and sometimes the things that come out of her mouth just blow me away. When did my little baby girl lose the baby part? I guess since Taylor has been born it automatically made Aubrey seem more grown up. She's an amazing little person and as much as she can drive me up and down the wall, she's still as much of a miracle to me as the day she was born.